Friday, January 23, 2015

Honduran Victim of Domestic Violence Granted Withholding of Removal

Ms. C from Honduras suffered years of beatings at the hands of her husband. She tried to join her parents in the U.S. who had left Honduras when she was a child. Twice ICE caught her and flew her back to Honduras. When ICE caught her a third time, Rodriguez & Moretzsohn, PLLC, immigration attorneys in Corpus Christi, TX, helped her request a Credible Fear Interview (CFI). She passed the interview but wasn’t released from custody. An Immigration Judge (IJ) from Los Angeles, CA, heard her testify at a detained-docket Individual Hearing in Houston, TX.  Immigration Attorney William Henry Humble III represented her and — ¡Gracias a Dios! — the IJ granted withholding of removal. Ms. C will now be set free to join her parents in Florida.
(stock photo)

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